Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Whats the difference between the different cooking oils?

Chemically, what is the difference? I know most vegetable oils are primarily made up of triglycerides. But whats the difference say between peanut oil and another oil? is there more triglycerides present or what?Whats the difference between the different cooking oils?
The difference is in the fatty acid chains that is attached to the glycerol. Fatty acid chains are long chains of carbon and hydrogen. Some chains are longer than others, some chains contain double bonds (unsaturated fats).Whats the difference between the different cooking oils?
E's answer is correct, but just to add a little more:

Different oils also contain different trace compounds that contribute to their flavor, color, and sometimes health effects. Peanut oil can contain traces of peanut proteins, so people with peanut allergies sometimes react to peanut oil. Olive oil tastes different from canola oil which tastes different from sesame oil due to the presence of flavoring chemicals extracted with the oil. Some of the chemicals that contribute to the flavor of olive oil possess antioxidant properties and may confer health benefits.

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