Saturday, December 26, 2009

How is cooking oil made?

Cooking oil is purified fat of plant or animal origin, which is liquid at room temperature.

Oil can be flavoured by immersing aromatic food stuffs such as fresh herbs, peppers and so forth in the oil for an extended period of time. However, care must be taken when using garlic and onions to prevent the growth of botulism in this medium.

Some of the many different kinds of vegetable oils are; grape seed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, soybean oil, canola oil, peanut oil, cashew oil, sesame oil and rice bran oil.

The generic term ';vegetable oil'; when used to label a cooking oil product refers to a blend of a variety of oils often based on corn, soybean or sunfloweHow is cooking oil made?
Olive oil, as well as corn oil and others are taken directly from the smashing of the plant. Smash up a lot of olives and eventually liquid will come out. The oil is within all plants and provides the plant a way to stick together.

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