Saturday, December 26, 2009

Please tell me the dangers of cooking with oil so I can tell my husband!?

Each day the average American eats about 2500 calories but, they’re eating more than just the four basic food groups. They’re also “eating oil” says David Pimentel, a professor of ecology and agricultural science at Cornell. Pimentel has calculated that it takes approximately 400-500 gallons of oil a year to feed the average American. That turns out to be a whopping 150,000,000,000 gallons of oil each year to feed the entire US population of about 300,000,000. Pimentel has taken into account agriculture production, processing, packaging, distribution and cooking. For example, a box of corn flakes contains 3,600 calories but he says it takes 16,000 calories of fuel energy to produce the box. Pimentel says that it currently takes about 10 calories of fossil fuel energy to produce one calorie of energy derived from food. Richard Manning, a journalist who has written extensively on the cross section of environmental and agricultural issues, says agriculture moved during the 20th century from a system where, for 7,000 years, each input of energy produced 10 calories of food to the exact opposite of that scenario which exists today.Please tell me the dangers of cooking with oil so I can tell my husband!?
cooking with oil is fine, but it gets very hot and can catch fire, and it also pops when heated, which can burn you.

in the bible, the oil that they are using is not vegetable oil such as we use, but rendered animal fat that has been melted.Please tell me the dangers of cooking with oil so I can tell my husband!?
cooking with oil is fine if you use it sparingly. the average American eats deep fried food a lot. that's a lot of use, and it's usually unhealthy oil like palm oil. Many oils are good for you but must be moderated.
Olive oil is actually good for you.
Cooking with oil to often will make your teeth fall out and oil is very flammable.
cooking oil, or fuel oil?...tell him what,..its perfectly safe.

people have been cooking with oil for centuries..its in the bible

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