Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hi world,can cooking oil be used as fuel for cars?[as diesel]?

Yes, properly refined and with engine modifications for efficiency. A regular diesel engine can process other oils, it just takes some modification to make it as efficient as possible.Hi world,can cooking oil be used as fuel for cars?[as diesel]?
yes can be put directly into diesel cars only. you will need to mix the oil with diesel as well, or use some thing to thin the oil.Hi world,can cooking oil be used as fuel for cars?[as diesel]?
yes, just as corn can
with some additives/processing, and a little modification of your car, yes

lmao at the wrath guy do that, drive around your portable bomb
No, because the diesel has some kind of material in it that helps your car move. It's just like you won't use gasoline to cook your dinner, right?
It can the first diesel engines actually used peanut oil for fuel but the major problem is number one cost to do the conversion and finding enough cooking oil to make it worth bothering with.

There are a few things that need to happen first though.

First find a few local resaurants that will let you go and pickup their used cooking oil. They have to pay to get rid of it, so all you have to do is undercut the person they are paying and you can earn money while making your own biodiesel.

Then you need to filter the oil and take samples and see its PH balance. Then you will add some KOH (Lye) and another thinning agent. Then there are additives you can add if you live in a cold region.

If you get a good kit, it ends up costing under .80 cents per gallon and may take you a few hours to make a large batch which can last for a month or two.

Hope that helps,
I have a friend in Kansas that gets the oil from local restaurants,there is quite a process to refine it but he average @1.20 a gallon. Its a diesel btw.
I'm not sure it's cooking oil, but I know that there is a fuel made from corn oil, and that there are a few vehicles that run on it.
Yes cooking oil can be used with a diesel engine with slight modifications.

The car will smell like a chip van when stuck in a traffic jam and if the authorities find out they will charge duty on what has now become fuel.
A couple of years ago I read an article in the newspaper about a couple who does that. They go to restaurants and get the used oil and through a process I don't know about they convert it to usable fuel.

This is what I found on the subject:

Many vegetable oils have similar fuel properties to diesel fuel, except for higher viscosity and lower oxidative stability. If these differences can be overcome, vegetable oil may substitute for #2 Diesel fuel, most significantly as engine fuel or home heating oil.

For engines designed to burn #2 diesel fuel, the viscosity of vegetable oil must be lowered to allow for proper atomization of fuel, otherwise incomplete combustion and carbon build up will ultimately damage the engine. Many enthusiasts refer to vegetable oil used as fuel as waste vegetable oil (WVO) if it is oil that was discarded from a restaurant or straight vegetable oil (SVO) to distinguish it from Biodiesel.

Home Heating

With often minimal modification, most residential furnaces and boilers which are designed to burn No. 2 heating oil can be made to burn either biodiesel or filtered, preheated waste vegetable oil. These are generally not as clean-burning as petroleum fuel oil, but if processed at home, by the consumer, can result in considerable savings. Many restaurants will give away their used cooking oil either free or at minimal cost, and processing to biodiesel is fairly simple and inexpensive. Burning filtered WVO directly is somewhat more problematic, since it is much more viscous, but it can be accomplished with suitable preheating. WVO can thus be a very economical heating option for those with the necessary mechanical and experimental aptitude
A better alternative in the uk is heating oil 35p a litre all you need is a oil tank to store it in.use 5litres of regular diesel yto evry tank full of heating oil.Theres no difference in performance just no cleaning agents in oil.

this is illegal though ,I wouldn`t do it. (cough) Ithink i`ve a cold coming on.
Yep. Downside is, you'll have to get a new filter quite often...
there are ways to use cooking oil as fuel for cars...the engine has to be redesigned to accept the oil instead of diesel or unleaded.
Most diesels will run on processed cooking oils. The oils are refined and the vehicle will run with no modifications to the vehicle.
Yes and it is right now...kind of a rolling french fry
The best gasoline alternative I've heard is described at Hydrogen Technology Applications, Inc. Type it into your browser and be amazed!
I dont know, but if so it's time to go diesel, cooking oil is $1.98 per gallon, far cheaper then Gas
So is this a new way of eating of the run. If the police dip your tank and find it's cooking oil I wonder what would they think.
no- and in most countries its illegal to even try
Rudolph Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine. designed the engine to run on Peanut Oil.

This modern day concoction we call Diesel or Derv. is a concoction of chemicals designed by the oil companies to rake in profits and pollute the atmosphere.

There is no reason whatsoever for most Diesel Engines not to run on V.O. and mine does quite happily.

It is not illegal and requires only an A4 registration document with the revenue people and a self declaration each month on how much you are using.

The engine runs quieter, gives as much if not more power, is cheaper, produces zero toxins and extends the life of the engine due to the lubricity of the oil.

If everyone started to use this oil, it would immediately put every farmer in the world to work trying to grow enough crops to keep up with demand.

Third world countries with no export industries would suddenly have a world market to trade with and the oil companies would lose billions.

Now what is so wrong with that!
i think sun flower oil can
Yup it can. ';Mythbusters'; have proved it and they did not modify their car (but then again... who knows?) As far as I know it can be used once its been filtered loads to remove any food stuffs... I don't know about any long term damage though... I'm sure if you wrote to someone (like I said Mythbusters...) they may be able to help you out... Or just any one that knows their stuff really. Good look in finding your answer :)
yes, but it needs to be refined into diesel first. It's called bio-diesel and it can be refined from cooking oil and even old tires. Check it out at!
yes. with minor modification, your car can run on cooking oil instead of diesel fuel. some can even run on filtered (used) cooking oil. although doing so will make the exhaust smell like french fries.
Yes, there is a man who developed an engine kit that can be installed to convert your vehicle to use ';used'; cooking oil. He was getting oil from fast food restaurants. From what I seen on it, it costs a lot in order to do the conversion.
Absolutely! Of course, there are some drawbacks. Vegetable oil is thicker than diesel, and you can't just stop at a station and top off your tank if you have to take an unexpected detour. Of course, it can be cheaper than gas. Most fast food restaurants will provide you with a used supply for free. They have to pay to have someone dispose of it, so they are happy to give it away. There are a few modifications that need to be made for optimum engine performance, and you should still try to walk or bicycle when possible, because as another user pointed out, it isn't exhaust free. It does put less of a strain on our natural resources and lessens our dependence on foreign oil. The last Independent candidate for Arkansas governor drives an oil powered diesel when his bicycle isn't practical. I don't think it is a long term solution for most people, since it is inconvenient- and your car smells like french fries- but for quick trips around town, it can help reduce your gas bill.
It can but those Oils and Ethnaol are not a CLEAN burning solution. Ethanol actually produces more harmful vapors than gas.
Based on the recent newscasts, yes. They are actually even talking about having restaurants provide used cooking oil for this purpose.
Can you cook chips while you drive then.
Yes, however it is illegal.....

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